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Cutting-edge digital and connected photovoltaic solutions for residential, commercial and large-scale power plants - Intelligent energy management - Controlling energy consumption.

Our distribution of digital and connected solutions to encourage solar energy production and smart management of energy consumption for individuals and businesses

Our solutions to accelerate the energy transition

Given the urgency of the climate crisis and the magnitude of the challenges ahead, INNOV8 Power believes that technological innovation is one of the essential levers to accelerate the energy transition in France and Europe.

To contribute to achieving the European Union’s 2050 carbon neutrality goal, the group has been developing its "Digital Power" o ering since 2022, aimed at supporting the development of a connected and clean society. We have identi ed three key markets to accelerate the energy and digital transition for professionals: the deployment of connected solar equipment solutions including storage batteries, intelligent air conditioning and heat pump solutions, and the use of professional drones to digitize many industrial sectors such as Energy, Construction, Agriculture, Security …

Through this division, INNOV8 Power provides individuals and professionals with digital solutions enabling them to intelligently manage their energy consumption through new digital tools like IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Arti cial Intelligence, and professional drones.

Firmly committed to a comprehensive eco-responsibility approach, INNOV8 Group aims to contribute to the development of clean energy, as it will be essential to power the connected devices and products that will make up our daily lives. This is a necessary condition if we collectively want to move towards carbon neutrality.

Partners with Huawei digital power to democratize smart energy management and solar energy storage

To accelerate access to smart solar and electrical solutions in France, INNOV8 Power has chosen to partner with Huawei Group. By distributing Huawei’s Smart PV solutions, INNOV8 Power aims to bring the bene t of over 30 years of expertise in digital information technology to individuals and professionals.

Deployed in over 170 countries, Huawei’s Smart PV solutions have already generated 325 billion kWh of electricity, saving 10 billion kWh to date. These e orts have helped reduce CO2 emissions by 160 million tons worldwide.

Simultaneously, INNOV8 addresses energy consumption by becoming the distributor in France for Huawei FusionSolar solutions. Given the intermittent and weather-dependent nature of solar energy production, energy e ciency is key. To ensure consumers have a continuous supply, INNOV8 Group provides tertiary and residential sectors with smart solutions that allow for the storage of energy accumulated during the day to be used later, either on-site or remotely, through state-of-the-art battery systems.

Weiliang Shi, president of Huawei France Stephane BOHBOT, president of INNOV8 Group

Residential Smart PV

Commercial roof

Photovoltaic plant

INNOV8 Power is the master distributor of TCL for the range of connected air conditioners and heat pumps

TCL, one of the world leaders in the television industry and a major brand in consumer electronics, has signed a master distribution agreement with INNOV8 Group for the commercial development of its range of air conditioners to be installed in B2B professional networks in France.

TCL has invested $497 million in a state-of-the-art industrial park dedicated entirely to air conditioner production. Covering an area of 390,000 square meters, this park includes a complete supply chain, from R&D to manufacturing and smart logistics. From this advanced facility, TCL’s high-end air conditioners are exported to over 160 markets worldwide.

With a global production network established over more than 20 years, TCL manufactures high-quality air conditioning products. With 10 factories located in China, Brazil, and Indonesia, TCL has a global production capacity of over 30 million units. Models such as Fresh’In, Gentle Cool, and Elite will be available in France this year.

INNOV8 Power becomes the master distributor of DJI Entreprise for the range of professional drones

DJI Enterprise: A Revolution in Drone Technology

DJI Enterprise has revolutionized the way businesses create and operate with drone technology. As a global leader, DJI Enterprise o ers innovative solutions for various sectors, including Energy, Construction, Agriculture, Security, and Surveying. Their cutting-edge technology allows for the digitization and optimization of operations, providing considerable bene ts in terms of productivity and safety.

DJI Enterprise Drones: Diverse Applications to Meet Professional Needs in Numerous Sectors Such As:

Public Safety

• Firefighting: Providing crucial aerial data for quick and e ective decision-making.
• Law Enforcement: Enhancing safety and speed of law enforcement interventions.
• Rescue Services: Rapid aerial navigation to identify targets and deploy assistance e ectively.

Oil and Gas

• Production and Refinery Management: Improving inspection efficiency without interrupting operations.
• Pipeline Integrity Management: Monitoring and managing pipelines to quickly identify leaks and anomalies.
• Exploration and Construction Management: Collecting precise data for construction and exploration projects.


• Network and Power Plant Management: Facilitating surveillance, inspections, and maintenance operations.
• Project Planning and Design: Creating 2D and 3D models to streamline planning.
• Construction Management: Tracking progress, reducing risks, and ensuring safety.

Aerial Surveying and AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction)

• Mapping and Modeling: Automating work ows and digitizing assets.
• Surveying: Rapid collection of geolocated data for precise results.
• Urban Planning: Creating integrated models to simplify urban projects.

Photovoltaic Installations

• Photovoltaic System Inspection: Automated  ight routes for comprehensive and repeatable inspections without risk to personnel. Real-time visualization of temperatures and visible light images to immediately identify hot spots.

Present in France and internationally since 2012, INNOV8 GROUP specializes in the digital and connected ecosystem and offers ultra-innovative products and services contributing to the ecological transition to individuals and professionals.​

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